C and C++ Programs to Find the Minimum Number of Currency Notes to Make an Amount N

Currency notes

C & C++ programs to find the minimum number of currency notes which sum up to the given amount N, are given here. The quantity of each type of note for the amount is also shown.

Page content(s):

1. Program & output

1.1. C

1.2. C++

1. Program to Find the Minimum Number of Currency Notes to Make an Amount N

1.1. C Program to Find the Minimum Number of Currency Notes to Make an Amount N

Code has been copied
C program to find the minimum number of
currency notes which sum upto the given amount N

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // declare variables
    int N, t, k, i;

    // declare an array to store different currency value
    int currency[] = {500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1};

    // take input 
    printf("Enter an amount: ");
    scanf("%d", & N);

    // initialize
    t = 0;

    // new line

    // count the total no of currency unit
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(currency) / sizeof(currency[0]); i++) {
        k = N / currency[i];
        // display result for current unit
        printf("%d required: %d\n", currency[i], k);
        // add to counter
        t = t + k;
        // calculate remaining amount
        N = N - k * currency[i];

    //display total
    printf("\nMinimum no. of notes required: %d\n", t);

    return 0;


Enter an amount: 927

500 required: 1

200 required: 2

100 required: 0

50 required: 0

20 required: 1

10 required: 0

5 required: 1

2 required: 1

1 required: 0

Minimum no. of notes required: 6

1.2. C++ Program to Find the Minimum Number of Currency Notes to Make an Amount N

Code has been copied
C++ program to find the minimum number of
currency notes which sum upto the given amount N

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    // declare variables
    int N, t, k, i;

    // declare an array to store different currency value
    int currency[] = {500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1};

    // take input 
    cout << "Enter an amount: ";
    cin >> N;

    // initialize
    t = 0;

    // new line
    cout << endl;

    // count the total no of currency unit
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(currency) / sizeof(currency[0]); i++) {
        k = N / currency[i];
        // display result for current unit
        cout << currency[i] << " required: " << k << endl;
        // add to counter
        t = t + k;
        // calculate remaining amount
        N = N - k * currency[i];

    //display total
    cout << "\nMinimum no. of notes required: " << t << endl;

    return 0;


Enter an amount: 1343

500 required: 2

200 required: 1

100 required: 1

50 required: 0

20 required: 2

10 required: 0

5 required: 0

2 required: 1

1 required: 1

Minimum no. of notes required: 8