C Program to Calculate Area, Perimeter and Diagonal of a Square

Area Perimeter and Diagonal of Square

C program to calculate the area, perimeter and diagonal of a square has been given below. If length of the side of a square is $s~ unit$, the area, perimeter and diagonal of that square would be $s^2~\text{unit}^2$, $4s~\text{unit}$ and $s\sqrt{2}~\text{unit}$ respectively.

For example, if length of the side of a square is $5~cm$, the area would be $5^2 = 25~\text{cm}^2$ while the perimeter would be $4 \cdot 5 = 20~\text{cm}$. The diagonal will be calculated as $5\cdot \sqrt{2} = 7.071 ~\text{cm}$

In the following section, the algorithm, pseudocode and time-complexity of the program have also been covered.

1. Algorithm to calculate the area, perimeter and diagonal of a square

1. Take the length of side $s$ as input.

2. Declare $s^2$ as the area of the square

3. Declare $4s$ as the perimeter of the square

4. Declare $s\sqrt{2}$ as the diagonal of the square

2. Pseudocode to calculate the area, perimeter and diagonal of a square

Input : Length of side $s$

Output : Area $A$, Perimeter $P$ and Diagonal $D$ of the square

1. Procedure areaPerimeterDiagonal($s$):

2. $A = s^2$

3. $P = 4s$

4. $D = s\sqrt{2}$

5. Return $A, P, D$

6. End Procedure

3. Time complexity to calculate the area, perimeter and diagonal of a square

Time Complexity: O(1)

4. C Program to calculate the area, perimeter and diagonal of a square

Code has been copied
C program to calculate the area 
,perimeter and diagonal of a square

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main() {
  // declare variables
  float s, a, p, d;

  // take input
  printf("Enter the length of side of the square: ");
  scanf("%f", & s);

  // calculate area
  a = s * s;
  // calculate perimeter
  p = 4 * s;
  // calculate diagonal
  d = s * sqrt(2);

  // display result upto 3 decimal places
  printf("Area: %0.3f\n", a);
  printf("Perimeter: %0.3f\n", p);
  printf("Diagonal: %0.3f\n", d);

  return 0;


Case 1:

Enter the length of side of the square: 7.25

Area: 52.563

Perimeter: 29.000

Diagonal: 10.253

Case 2:

Enter the length of side of the square: 10

Area: 100.000

Perimeter: 40.000

Diagonal: 14.142

  • The program calculates the area, perimeter, and diagonal of a square based on the length of its sides.
  • It includes two header files: for input and output operations and for mathematical functions.
  • Four float variables are declared:
    s: Stores the length of the side of the square.
    a: Will store the area of the square.
    p: Will store the perimeter of the square.
    d: Will store the diagonal of the square.
  • The program prompts the user to enter the length of the side of the square.
  • It reads the user's input and stores it in the variable s.
  • The program calculates the area of the square by squaring the side length (s * s), the perimeter by multiplying the side length by 4 (4 * s), and the diagonal by multiplying the side length by the square root of 2 (s * sqrt(2)).
  • The calculated area, perimeter, and diagonal values are then displayed on the screen. They are formatted to show up to three decimal places.
  • The main function returns 0, indicating successful program execution.